Successful trading requires careful consideration and risk management. Trade responsibly and stay informed. Read our full disclaimer

Successful trading requires careful consideration and risk management. Trade responsibly and stay informed. Read our full disclaimer


Alerts provided by StockMet are not intended to be financial advice, nor should they be seen as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell stocks and securities. Consult with your financial advisor prior to making any investment decisions. Our alerts are intended for educational and entertainment purposes only.

StockMet is not registered as an investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Instead, we operate under the “publisher’s exclusion” from the definition of “investment adviser” as per Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and corresponding state securities laws. Our alerts are a genuine publication of general and regular circulation offering non-personalized investment-related information to subscribers and/or prospective subscribers.




Neither StockMet INC, nor its officers and employees are registered investment advisers under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Stock alerts provided by StockMet are not insured by FDIC and are subject to the risk of losing value. Any strategies or opinions discussed on our website or in alerts sent via email or text notifications might not be suitable for all investors due to varying levels of risk. Investors may receive less than they initially invested, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. You are responsible for reviewing the goals, risks, charges, and expenses associated with any alert service or strategy before making the decision to invest independently.




Alerts utilized for marketing do not represent typical results. Your outcomes will depend on numerous factors such as risk tolerance, trading execution, capital, market conditions, and others.


All information received by subscribers is strictly for personal use. Investing carries inherent risks, including the potential loss of all or part of your investment, as well as emotional distress. Nothing provided by StockMet should be viewed as a guarantee of investment returns. All investment risks, losses, and costs, including the potential total loss of capital, are your responsibility. StockMet may hold a position in stocks and other assets mentioned in our alert system or communicated to clients.


Remember that your capital is at risk while trading, so avoid investing money you cannot afford to lose., its affiliates, and/or their officers and employees may buy, hold, or sell any securities mentioned on the website and social media AT ANY TIME.

Always consult with your financial advisor prior to making any investment decisions.




Endorsements, testimonials, or accounts of past performance are based on individual experiences of followers, customers, or members. If profitability is depicted in any testimonial provided by StockMet, it is unsolicited, unpaid, and voluntarily given by the individual.

Testimonials are voluntarily provided and believed to be honest opinions of our followers or customers. Testimonials about past performance received through our social media or via email from members are presented using the exact wording provided by the person, except for correction of grammatical or typing errors and editing for length.


StockMet does not have access to personal trading accounts or brokerage statements of our members, and as such, we cannot track their results or forecast expected returns of subscribers using our services.


Please remember that past performance does not guarantee future results and the results presented in the services are NOT TYPICAL. The testimonials presented are based on the experiences of a few StockMet members, and you should not expect similar results. It is essential to evaluate the risks associated with trading before deciding to invest independently.


Please proceed to the full disclaimer for more information.

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